Two weeks in a row: a set that will keep the IM swimmers AND the freestylers happy (with some breaststroke love at the end).
MAIN SET: 2800
Fins are optional on the IMs. Pull buoys are optional on the breath-control 25s.
1 X 400 IM
7 X 25 freestyle, with a max of 2 breaths per length. Relax on these. Your rest interval is 3-4 "bobs" after each 25.
1 X 25 freestyle up tempo; breathe as much as you want
2 X 300 IM (25 kick + 25 drill + 25 swim in each stroke)
7 X 25 freestyle, with a max of 2 breaths per length. Relax on these. Your rest interval is 3-4 "bobs" after each 25.
1 X 25 freestyle up tempo; breathe as much as you want
3 X 200 freestyle pull; descend time on #3
7 X 25 freestyle, with a max of 2 breaths per length. Relax on these. Your rest interval is 3-4 "bobs" after each 25.
1 X 25 freestyle up tempo; breathe as much as you want
4 X 100 IM; descend time on #3-4
7 X 25 on :40; these are breaststroke with a double underwater pullout
7 X 25 up-tempo breaststroke with a single underwater pullout
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