Swimming Set of the Week - May 27, 2008

May 27, 2008
Swimming Set of the Week - May 27, 2008

 Is there a triathlon, maybe even an Ironman, in your near future?  This week's set will help prepare you for the adrenaline rush of the start.

This set is best done with a buddy of about the same speed, and with only two of you splitting a lane.  Start in the deep end.  No diving in less than 9 feet of water!

5 X 500 as outlined below.

Before each 500, do 10 pushups on deck (modified pushups are OK), then dive in and race your buddy for the first 25.  After the first 25, settle into a sustainable, aerobic pace.

#1:  No equipment.  Start each length breathing to your comfortable side.  In the middle of each length, breathe every 3 and then finish the length breathing to your less comfortable side.
#2:  Pull buoy.  Breathe every 3 the whole way (after the first 25!)
#3:  No equipment.  Same breathing pattern as #1.  Hold on to that pattern for as many lengths as you can.
#4:  Pull buoy.  Same breathing pattern as #2.
#5:  No equipment.  Your choice of breathing pattern.

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