Swimming Set of the Week - May 3, 2013

May 3, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - May 3, 2013

How’s your sense of pace at 100s and 200s?  This week’s set asks swimmers to do some descend work and negative-split work…and sometimes both.

This set can be as hard or as “soft” as you want.  If you go super slow on the first swims in the descend rounds…or if you go super slow on the first part of your negative-split swims, it will be a soft set.  If you push the pace a bit on those initial segments, it will be a very tough set.  FRIM means IM, substituting freestyle for butterfly.

MAIN SET:  1900
2 X 200 IM, FRIM, or choice on 20-30 seconds rest; descend time 1-2

100 easy recovery

2 X 200 choice (but not IM or FRIM) on 30-50 seconds rest; negative split each 200 AND try to descend time 1-2

100 easy recovery

Your choice of…
2 X 200 choice; descend time 1-2
4 X 100 choice; descend time 1-4

100 easy recovery

Your choice of…
2 X 200 choice (but not IM or FRIM); negative split each 200
4 X 100 choice (but not IM or FRIM); negative split each 100

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