Swimming Set of the Week - May 6, 2008

May 6, 2008
Swimming Set of the Week - May 6, 2008

There's always a bit of  let-down period after a big meet, but it's good to get in the pool to stay in touch with the water.  This is a good time to turn off the pace clock, focus on technique rather than speed, and just try to flow.    Adding fins should make it a bit easier to achieve good form on the drills, and they will help you maintain the sense of SPEED you picked up during taper and racing.  Keep everything nice and smooth, long, and balanced.

One round of the following is 1000 yards. 

4 X (200 drill IM + 50 free)
#1:  Drills are head-lead kick in IM order (head-lead means hands are at your sides)
#2:  Drills are hand-lead kick in IM order (hand-lead means both hands/arms are extended above your head)
#3:  Drills are 2L/2R of each stroke (yes, 2L/2R breaststroke) in IM order
#4:  Drills are combination (alternate 1 stroke breast/1 stroke fly for the fly and breast 50s; alternate 4 strokes back/1 stroke free for the back and free 50s)

If you want to pump up the set with more creative drills, pick up a copy of GO SWIM BREASTSTROKE DRILLS WITH DAVE DENNISTON AND STACIANA STITTS, GO SWIM FREESTYLE & BACKSTROKE DRILLS, or any of our GO SWIM DRILL COLLECTIONS (on CD).  

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