Swimming Set of the Week - November 15, 2013

Nov 19, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - November 15, 2013

This week’s set demands creativity and ownership of technique from the swimmers.  Every November, Barbara’s masters team does a set of 50 swims on 1:30 sendoff/turnaround.  No equipment.   You can swim any stroke (or drill or kick).  You can swim any distance.  All you have to do is make the sendoff.

The first year, everyone tried to swim as far as possible on every “swim.”  The yardage was impressive; the swimming…not so much.  Over the years, the emphasis has been more on swimming less yardage with more focus, working on personal technique goals, and being creative in designing a set that’s interesting and that works for YOU.  Here are some examples of sets created by Barbara’s swimmers…all within the framework of 50 swims on 1:30.  Focus points are from the swimmers.

50 X 100
Focus:  Count strokes and hold count while staying aerobic.  Flow into the turns.  Don’t ease up on the final strokes into each finish.  No crossover at midpoint of the pull (freestyle).  Throw in some 100s backstroke or IM for interest and to use different muscles.


10 X (4 X 100 + 1 X 75)
Focus:  First three of the 100s are freestyle. Fourth 100 is backstroke, then recover with a 75.  Use a variety of strokes and drills on the 75 to inform the 100s.  Count strokes throughout to increase awareness of technique, esp. distance off walls.


Six sets of the following pattern:
2 rounds:
3 x 75 (25 FL, 50 FR)

1 x 50 stroke

The first, third, and fifth sets were FL for the 50s; focus on not letting the hands get “stuck” as they enter the water.

Second and fourth sets were 50 BK and 50 BR, respectively; focus on being intense on the turns…point the toes.

The sixth set was:

2 rounds:

3 x 75 (25 FL, 50 FR)

2 x 50 (50 BR, 50 FL)

Might make all the 50s FL, however…off the blocks..:)


5 rounds of the following:


BR/FR (50)



5 rounds of the following:
50 kick

50 FR/FR

50 kick

50 choice/FR

50 from the blocks (choice/FR)

Focus:  Count strokes and maintain stroke counts.  Relax the back of the neck on freestyle (look down).  Stable head on FL, BK, BR.  Have fun.


2 rounds:
3 X 75 FR; focus on using the whole body, high-elbow catch, engage the hips
1 X 50 choice easy recovery

2 rounds:

1 X 75 FR

1 X 75 FR/BR/FR

1 X 75 FR

1 X 50 FR

Focus:  Gliding strokes.  Look down.

2 rounds:

1 X 75 FR

1 X 75 FR/BK/FR

1 X 75 FR

1 X 50 BR

Focus:  stable and strong pushoffs and excellent streamlines

2 rounds:

3 X 75 FR

1 X 50 choice recovery

Focus:  Bilateral breathing

2 rounds:

3 X 75 (25 choice/50 FR)

1 X 50 choice recovery
Focus:  Keep stroke count and time consistent

2 rounds:

3 X 75 FR

2 X 50 choice recovery
Focus:  Exhale, steady kick, lean in on the water


10 rounds:

75 (25 BR drill + 25 BR kick on back + 25 BR drill)

75 (25 BR drill + 25 BR kick on back + 25 BR drill)

50 easy recovery

Focus:  Use 6 different breaststroke drills.  Focus on turns:  getting elbow and hand back to initiate the turn and overlapping and tucking the feet.   Hold 9 strokes/length on breaststroke during BK/BR/FR.


2 rounds:

2 X 50 FR

1 X 75 FR

1 X 50 FR

1 X 50 FL drill or easy choice

1 X 75 FR

1 X 50 FR

1 X 50 BK/FR

1 X 50 BR/FR

1 X 50 FL/FR

Focus:  Use entire body; high-elbow catch; engage the hips; relaxed breathing; steady kick; lean onto the water

2 rounds:

2 X 50 FR

1 X 75 FR/FL drill/FR

1 X 50 FR

1 X 50 kick/FR

Focus:  Bilateral breathing on FR

2 rounds:

2 X 50 FR

1 X 75 FR/BK/FR

1 X 50 FR

1 X 50 BR

Focus:  No breathing until 3rd stroke on FR; work dolphins off turns

Repeat opening round.

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