Swimming Set of the Week - November 2, 2012

Nov 2, 2012
Swimming Set of the Week - November 2, 2012

 Speed set this week...good training for gaining some back-half speed on your 100.

4 X (100 @ 65-75% effort + 50 @ all-out effort)
Think of these as broken 150s, where you break for 7 to 10 seconds (no more than that!) after the 100, then swim an all-out 50.  After the 50, take approximately 1 minute rest before starting the next broken 150.  This may seem like a lot of rest, but take it!  You want to recover your heart rate before starting the next 150.    With Barbara's masters group, just about everyone was on a 3:00 to 3:30 sendoff for each 150.  Some swimmers did 100 IM + 50 all out in IM order or in their best stroke.    Some swimmers did 100 kick + 50 stroke.  

1 X 200 choice, easy recovery

8 X 25 freestyle on :30
#1:  breathe 4 times during the 25
#2:  breathe 3 times
#3:  breathe twice
#4:  breathe once or twice
Repeat 5-8

Repeat the 4 X (100 X 50).  

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