Swimming Set of the Week - November 9, 2012

Nov 9, 2012
Swimming Set of the Week - November 9, 2012

IM set this week.  Why do these always look so harmless on paper? 

WARMUP:  400 on your own

Warm up the butterfly muscles with some easy vertical butterfly.  Then...
1 X 50 Feet-First Scull on Your Back, holding a pull buoy with your feet.  If you don't need the pull buoy...cool.  Hands can be either above the head or at the hips.
1 X 50 breaststroke separation drill (complete the pull, then initiate the kick)
1 X 50 easy freestyle

MAIN SET:  1800 (short-course yards)
Goals:  Descend time on the 200s.   Up tempo on the 25s.  Don't take much (if any) extra rest between the segments.
Don't swim with poor technique on the fly!  You may substitute 1/1/1 butterfly for every fly length.  Or you can swim 3 strokes of butterfly and switch to freestyle on the fly lengths.

1 X 200 IM, FRIM, or free on 15-30 seconds rest
3 X 50 butterfly on 1:00, 1:05 or 1:10
4 X 25 butterfly on :40

1 X 200 IM, FRIM, or free on 15-30 seconds rest
3 X 50 backstroke on 1:00, 1:05 or 1:10
4 X 25 backstroke on :40

1 X 200 IM, FRIM, or free on 15-30 seconds rest
3 X 50 breaststroke on 1:00, 1:05 or 1:10
4 X 25 breaststroke on :40

1 X 200 IM, FRIM, or free on 15-30 seconds rest
3 X 50 freestyle on 1:00, 1:05 or 1:10
4 X 25 freestyle on :40

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