Swimming Set of the Week - October 1, 2010

Oct 1, 2010
Swimming Set of the Week - October 1, 2010

We send a special THANK YOU this week to a certain masters team that welcomed Barbara into their midst while she was traveling.  Can you guess which team?  Here are some clues:

They are the largest Masters team in the USA.

They offer 65 weekly workouts at SEVEN different pools (three of them are pictured).

They are led by more than two dozen high-energy coaches, including a three-time Olympian.

One of their members writes a highly popular swimming blog.

They did the following workout on September 25th.  Thanks, coach Helen!

This was LCM and sendoffs are for the slowest lane.  Adjust accordingly.

WARMUP:  400

MAIN SET:  2600
Two rounds:
100 kick on 2:20
100 stroke on 2:10
100 stroke/free on 2:00
100 free on 1:50

Three rounds:
150 stroke
150 (50 stroke + 50 free + 50 stroke)
150 (50 stroke + 100 free)
150 free

Round #1 sendoffs:  3:20...3:10...3:00...2:50
Round #2 sendoffs:  3:15...3:10...3:05...3:00
Round #3 sendoffs:  3:00...2:50...2:40...2:30




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