Swimming Set of the Week - October 14, 2011

Oct 14, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - October 14, 2011

This week it's a set of 100s on an ascending sendoff.  Of course, that means descending times :)

Many coaches love to give sets with a descending sendoff.  For example: 12 X 100, with 1-3 on 1:30...4-6 on 1:25...7-9 on 1:20...10-12 on 1:15.  The idea is that by tightening the sendoff, swimmers will automatically swim faster as the set progresses because they need to make the sendoff.   The end result (fast swimming) is achieved, but this type of set often leads to some really ugly and ragged swimming.  

In this week's set, the sendoffs get easier as the set progresses.    Instead of being forced to swim faster to make a certain sendoff, each swimmer has to find it in his or her own heart to go faster.   But with a little extra rest, most swimmers will rise to the occasion and turn in some great performances that look smooth and controlled.

16 X 100

These can be Free, FRIM, IM, stroke/Free by 25, or 75 Free + 25 stroke.  

Start at a comfortable, aerobic pace and a sendoff that gives approximately 10 seconds rest.  Every two 100s, add :05 to your sendoff.  You will be getting more rest as the set progresses, so your swim times should get faster as the set progresses. For example...

2 X 100 on 1:40 sendoff
2 X 100 on 1:45
2 X 100 on 1:50
2 X 100 on 1:55
2 X 100 on 2:00
2 X 100 on 2:05
2 X 100 on 2:10
2 X 100 on 2:15

Some variations:
1.  On the first half of the set, make it 3 X 100 instead of 2 X 100.  This would give you a total of 20 X 100 for the entire set.

2.  For the entire set, make it 3 X 100 instead of 2 X 100.  This gives you a total of 24 X 100.

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