Swimming Set of the Week - October 19, 2012

Oct 19, 2012
Swimming Set of the Week - October 19, 2012

Our set of the week features speed and technique.

WARMUP:  600
400 easy on your own
8 X 25 with fins
Odd 25s:  2 Left / 2 Right / 2 whole-stroke butterfly
Even 25s:  2 Left / 2 Right / 3 whole-stroke backstroke

MAIN SET:  1800
Three rounds of the following:
1 X 200 scull/swim by 25 (choice of scull and choice of stroke)  
1 X 100 easy freestyle or backstroke with a fast mid-pool flip on each length  (Check out Kara Lynn Joyce for how to execute the flip.)
3 X (75 swim + 25 easy double-arm backstroke)

*  Descend 75s in each round to a MAX EFFORT for time on #3.  The 25s after each 75 are meant as easy recovery.
*  On the 75s, try to put into practice the focus points you work on while sculling and flipping.
*  Take the prescribed amount of rest (see below).  In order to swim at max effort, you need rest!

Round #1:  No equipment; each 75 + 25 is on 2:00 sendoff
Round #2:  Fins; each 75 + 25 is on 2:15 sendoff  (Fins allow you to experience above-race-pace speed.)
Round #3:  You choice of no equipment, fins, or fins and paddles; each 75 + 25 is on 2:30 sendoff

100 easy
4 X 50 easy pull on moderate sendoff

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