Swimming Set of the Week - October 28, 2008

Oct 28, 2008
Swimming Set of the Week - October 28, 2008

 Here's a set of 10 X 200 IM that's taxing but not crushing, because it combines fins, drills, straight swimming, shifting sendoffs, and some broken swims.  If you want more yardage, do the set, then 100 easy recovery, then repeat the set.

2 X 200 IM with fins on a sendoff that gives approximately 15 seconds rest.
For each stroke, do 25 drill/25 swim.

2 X 200 IM without fins on a sendoff that gives approximately 30 seconds rest.

2 X 200 IM with fins on same sendoff as above (~:15 RI)
For each stroke, do 25 drill/25 swim.

2 X 200 IM without fins on same sendoff as above (~:30 RI)

1 X 200 IM with fins, broken at 50s for exactly 5 seconds.
For each stroke, do 25 drill/25 swim.
Total time should be equal to or faster than your times from above.

1 X 200 without fins, broken at 50s for exactly 5 seconds.
Total time should be equal to or faster than your times from above.

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