Swimming Set of the Week - October 7, 2011

Oct 7, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - October 7, 2011

We continue the theme of preparing for an SCM meet in an SCY pool.  This week:  preparing for a 100m race by swimming broken 125s in yards.  

WARMUP:  At least 600, with a few 25s build

MAIN SET #1:  600
4 X 125 choice as follows:
Swim a 25 and get your time; rest exactly 10 seconds.
Swim a 75; rest exactly 10 seconds
Swim a 25; note your total time and subtract 20 seconds to get your "subtracted time."  (Coach should record subtracted times.)
Easy swim back to the starting end after each 125, and let your heart rate return to <100 before starting the next 125.

8 X 25 pull @ recovery pace on :35 sendoff; breathe every 3 or 4 strokes and make your exhale last as long as the 3 or 4 strokes.

MAIN SET #2:  600
4 X 125 choice, broken in the same way as before, except that this time your "subtracted times" should get progressively faster, and you take the following amount of rest within each 125:
#1:  Rest 10 seconds between the swims
#2:  Rest 10 seconds between the swims
#3:  Rest 20 seconds between the swims
#4:  Rest 30 seconds between the swims
Easy swim back to the starting end after each 125, and let your heart rate return to < 100 before starting the next 125.  Coach should record subtracted times.  


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