Swimming Set of the Week - October 9, 2009

Oct 9, 2009
Swimming Set of the Week - October 9, 2009

 Three short sets with the Tempo Trainer this week.  

SET #1:  300
12 X 25 with Tempo Trainer
Goal:  FInd one setting on the TT that works for hearing the BEEP on every hand entry (odd 25s) AND on every other hand entry (even 25s).  Adjust the TT as necessary until you find the right setting.  Hint:  You'll be swimming nice and long on the odd lengths; maybe a little choppy and light on the even lengths.

SET #2: 700
On all swims, alternate 25 back/25 free.

4 X 100 with TT set at one setting that works for back AND free.

4 X 50; choose another TT setting (either faster or slower) that works for back AND free.

4 X 25 back or free; choose another TT setting (faster or slower)

SET #3:  550
5 X 50 with fins and with TT set at one setting (probably in the range of 1:60 to 1:80).
Each 50 is 25 Pulse Breaststroke + 25 of any butterfly drill

6 X 50 without fins and with TT at same setting as before.
Odd 50s:  25 Pulse Breast + 25 Breaststroke
Even 50s:  25 Breast with an Extra Kick + 25 Breaststroke

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