Swimming Set of the Week- September 30, 2011

Sep 30, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week- September 30, 2011

Speed set this week...geared to help you get ready for 50-meters sprints while training in a SCY pool.  

WARMUP:  600-800 depending on available time

MAIN SET:  1950
The idea is that you're alternating recovery-pace swimming with sets of 75s (and a final set of 50s) that are on long rest intervals.  Take the prescribed rest so that you can go FAST on the swims!  It's also important to descend your times when asked.   This is a quality-yardage workout, not a mega-yardage workout.

1 X 225 recovery-pace freestyle on moderate interval

3 X 75 choice on 30 seconds rest interval; descend 1-3

2 X 125 recovery-pace free on moderate interval

3 X 75 choice on 45 seconds rest interval; descend 1-3

3 X 75 recovery-pace free on moderate interval

3 X 75 choice (ALL 3 FROM A DIVE) on 60 seconds rest interval; descend 1-3

3 X 75 recovery-pace free on moderate interval

3 X 50 choice (ALL 3 FROM A DIVE) on 90...120 seconds rest interval; descend 1-3.  (Take 90 seconds rest between 1st and 2nd 50.  Take 2 minutes rest between 2nd and 3rd 50.)

200 easy recovery

The above set should take 60-65 minutes.  If you have more time, add the following tether set:

100 total yards of tether work.  Your choice of one of the following:
1 X 100 (continuous, working all lengths)
2 X 50 (working all lengths)
4 X 25 (working the resisted lengths)
1 X 75 and 1 X 25 (working all lengths)


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