Swimming Workout of the Week - May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014
Swimming Workout of the Week - May 23, 2014

This week’s set has a little bit of everything: kick, pull, swim (all four strokes), speed and recovery.  The hands-down favorite of Barbara’s masters swimmers this week.  Written for SCM.

WARMUP:  400 on your own

8 X 25 freestyle on :40 (fins optional)
Breathe 4 times on first 25, 3 times on second 25, twice on third 25, once, on fourth 25; repeat.  Stay long and smooth.  Relax rather than panic.

MAIN SET:  1650
Read the entire set before you start!  Be prepared for fast equipment changes if you need fins.
Swim three rounds of the following, with a short break between rounds.  One round consists of:
1 X 100, 2 X 50 kick, 3 X 25, 1 X 75, 2 X 100 pull.

1 X 100 on 2:00 or 2:15
Round 1:  25 fly/75 free
Round 2:  25 back/ 25 free/ 25 breast/ 25 free
Round 3:  100 free

2 X 50 kick on 1:30
Round 1:  25 dolphin/25 flutter
Round 2:  25 breast kick/25 flutter
Round 3:  all flutter

3 X 25 on :45; #1 is easy, #2 is build, #3 is ALL OUT!!
Round 1:  all fly!
Round 2:  your choice of backstroke or breaststroke
Round 3:  all free

1 X 75 recovery

2 X 100 pull on 2:15; descend 1-2


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