Swimming Workout of the Week - October 3, 2014

Oct 3, 2014
Swimming Workout of the Week - October 3, 2014

This week’s swimming workout offers something for everyone…and was the hands-down favorite set of the week for Barbara’s masters group.

Swimmers choose one main set from the options below.  No matter which option your lane chooses for the IM segment, all swimmers regroup and do the Wax-On…Wax Off (WOWO) set together, as a group.  Fins are OK on the IM segments.

Here is the WO…WO set.  You will do this mini set once in each round.

Wax-On…Wax-Off Stroke-Count Set:

  • 4 X 25 choice (but all the same stroke) on :40; start with a low stroke count and add one stroke per length.  E.g., for breaststroke you might start at 7 spl and go 7…8…9…10 spl.  We used a :40 sendoff/turnaround for scy.  Use :45 for scm.  Note your time on the third and fourth 25.
  • 100 easy recovery
  • 4 X 25 on :40; start with your highest stroke count from before and SUBTRACT one stroke per length.  Maintain your time on all 4 X 25, even as you are decreasing your stroke count.

OPTION #1:  1600Two rounds of all of the following:1 X 400 IM (It’s OK to drill the butterfly lengths or swim 4 strokes fly and switch to free on the fly lengths.)

50-150 easy recovery, then regroup for WO…WO.

Wax-On…Wax-Off Stroke-Count Set (see above)

50 easy recovery, then start Round #2

OPTION #2:  1600Two rounds of all of the following:2 X 200 IM; descend 1-2  (It’s OK to drill the butterfly lengths or swim 4 strokes fly and switch to free on the fly lengths.)

50-100 easy recovery, then regroup for WO…WO.

Wax-On…Wax-Off stroke-count set (see above)

50 easy recovery, then start Round #2

OPTION #3:  1600Two rounds of all of the following:

4 X 100 IM; descend 1-4

50 easy recovery, then regroup for WO…WO.

Wax-On…Wax-Off stroke-count set (see above)

50 easy recovery, then start Round #2

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