Taper 75s

Dec 11, 2007
Taper 75s

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins: 500 mix of dolphin, flutter, free, back200 breast kick, various positionsFLY SET: 2008 X 25 on :30 sendoff (except for the kicks)#1: Fly/Breast combo#2: 2L/2R Fly --> FLy#3: Karla#4: 2L/2R Fly --> FLy#5: 3 strokes Fly --> Free#6: 2L/2R Fly --> Fly#7: dolphin kick on your back#8: dolphin kick on your stomachMAIN SET: 6008 X 75 breast, controlled descend using Tempo Trainer. Sendoff on the first six was approx. :40 seconds rest. Final two 75s are from the blocks...don't go until heart rate is 100 or lower. Goal was to get down to race pace for a 100 on the final 75, which for me is 19 seconds per 25.#1: Tempo Trainer set to beep every 26 seconds.#2: TT @ 25 seconds#3: TT @ 24 seconds#4: TT @ 23 seconds#5: TT @ 22 seconds#6: TT @ 21 seconds#7: TT @ 20 seconds (made it!)#8: TT @ 19 seconds (was off by 1.5 to 2 seconds)RECOVERY: 400 EZOne fast 50 breast from the blocks with TT @ 18 seconds (was off by about 1.5 seconds)WARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 2200#1:

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