Taper Practice Before NEMSCM Champs

Dec 13, 2007
Taper Practice Before NEMSCM Champs

LONG WARMUP: 800Keep it real relaxed and loose and focus on PERFECT movements. Aim for technical correctness on the swimming and on your turns and pushoffs. You could do drill/swim by 25. Or kick/swim by 25. You could take a short rest after each 50. FLY/BREAST SET: 250/500 + 200Your choice of whether to do the set as 10 X 50 or 10 X 25.10 X ?? with fins, on 1:05 sendoff#1: Pulse breast, breathe every 4#2: Fly/Breast Combo#3: 2L/2R Fly → Fly#4: Pulse breast, breathe every 3#5: Karla drill#6: 2L/2R Fly → Fly#7: Pulse breast, breathe every other#8: 3 strokes Fly → Free#9: 2L/2R Fly → Fly#10: Pulse breast, breathe every stroke200 EZ recoverySPEED SET: 3 X 50 from a push on 1:20 sendoff with TT set to beep at your pace per 25 of a 100 race. Try to beat the TT to each wall.200 EZ recovery2 X 50 from the blocks with 100 recovery between each 50. TT set to beep at your 25 pace for a 50 race. Try to beat the TT.2 X 25 ALL OUT with turn from the blocks w/ 75 recovery between swims. TT set one second faster than your last pace. WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 2500 if you do 10 X 50 on the Fly/Breast set. 2250 if you do 10 X 25 on the Fly/Breast set.

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