Test Set for 100 Race

Nov 20, 2008
Test Set for 100 Race

WARMUP:  700

500 with fins, mix of dolphin, flutter, free, back

200 easy breast kick, various positions

FLY SET:  400 + 100

Twice through, on :30 sendoff:

#1:  Fly/Breast Combo

#2:  2L/2R Fly --> whole-stroke Fly

#3:  Karla

#4:  2L/2R --> ws Fly

#5:  3 strokes Fly --> Free

#6:  2L/2R Fly --> ws Fly

#7:  Dolphin kick on back

#8:  Intense dolphin kick, head lead

100 easy recovery

BREAST SET:  650 + 150

Whatever stroke you choose on this set, the idea is to do a controlled descend, taking it down to your actual race pace on the final 75.  E.g., my target race pace for 100 breast is 1:16 (19 seconds per 25), so I want the Tempo Trainer at :19 on the final 75.  On the first 6 X 75, pick one or two technique points to focus on, execute them really well, and try to keep executing them well as you go faster and faster.

8 X 75 breast, controlled descend

#1:  Tempo Trainer @ :26

#2:  TT @ :25

#3:  TT @ :24

#4:  TT @ :23

#5:  TT @ :22

#6:  TT @ :21

#7:  TT @ :20 (from the blocks)  just barely made it

#8:  TT @ :19 (from the blocks) didn’t quite make it -- off by about 2 seconds

150 easy recovery

IM SET:  800

1 X 400 IM with fins on 7:30  [6:22]

2 X 200 IM with fins on 3:30  [3:05...3:04]


Total Yardage:  3000

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