Tether Practice

May 7, 2007
Tether Practice

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800With Zura Alphas:80 dolphi + 120 free80 flutter + 120 back80 dolphin + 120 free200 breast kick, various positionsMAIN SET: 1900With a long-belt slider (wait till heart rate returns to less than 100 before starting each swim):1. 40 (20 resisted eggbeater kick + 20 assisted breaststroke)2. 40 breaststroke (20 R + 20 A)3. 80 breaststroke (20 R + 20 A + 20 R + 20 A)4. 120 breaststroke (20 R + 20 A + 20 R + 20 A + 20 R + 20 A)5. 20 freestyle R400 freestyle pullRepeat entire tether set from above.400 freestyle pullWith a stationary tether and fins:1. 75 strokes body-dolphin breast (focus wide hands, crank the last 20 strokes)2. 30 strokes freestyle3. 50 strokes body-dolphin breast (wide hands, crank the last 15 strokes)4. 30 strokes freestyle5. 25 strokes body-dolphin breast (wide hands, crank the last 10 strokes)6. 30 strokes freestyleWARMDOWN: 200100 EZ swim and 100 walking with fast turnsTotal Yardage: 2900

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