Tether Taper

May 9, 2007
Tether Taper

20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin + 120 free80 flutter + 120 back80 dolphin + 120 free200 breast kick, various positionsMAIN SET: 1200 Three times through the following:With long-belt slider:* 1 X 40 (20 resisted eggbeater kick + 20 assisted breaststroke)* 1 X 40 breaststroke (20 R + 20 A)* 1 X 80 breaststroke (20R + 20 A + 20 R + 20 A)* 1 X 20 freestyle resistedWith fins:1 X 200, alternating 20 underwater dolphin kick with breaststroke arms and 20 above-water pulse breaststroke Focus on staying calm and relaxed with big body movements under water and connecting arms to torso when above water.MAIN SET #2: 600With fins...same alternating pattern as above, but this time1 X 1601 X 1201 X 801 X 40Faster pace on each swim.200 breast kick using Zura Alpha fins as a kickboard.WARMDOWN: 100 freeTotal Yardage: 2700

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