Tethered Breaststroke One-Way Pyramids

Apr 25, 2007
Tethered Breaststroke One-Way Pyramids

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin + 120 free80 flutter + 120 free80 dolphin + 120 back200 EZ breast kick, various positionsKICK SET: 40010 X 40 with 7 Rocket Launchers before each 40. (Porpoise dive into breast pullout on 7th RL.)Each 40 was 20 UW breast kick + 20 hand-lead breast kick on the back at a fast cadenceTETHER SET: 1700Used a long-belt slider. Between tethered swims, I let my heart rate return to about 100.With tether:#1: Resisted eggbeater for 20, then assisted breast for 20#2: 40 breast (20 R + 20 A)#3: 80 breast #4: 120 breast #5: 20 freestyle resisted, float back to starting pointWith pull buoy: 400 freestyle pull focus on extending front to back with hands on each pull.With tether:Repeat #1 through #5 above.With pull buoy: 400 freestyle pull as aboveWith tether:Repeat #1 through #5 above.WARMDOWN: 100100 real EZTotal Yardage: 3000

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