Thank You for Helping Go Swim Reach 10 Years!

Oct 11, 2012
Thank You for Helping Go Swim Reach 10 Years!

This weekend, Go Swim celebrates 10 years of providing content to the swimming community.  As a way of saying THANK YOU to the swimmers and coaches who've supported us over the years, we want to share ALL of our content this weekend -- for FREE.   Please read on to find out how to join us this weekend for our virtual celebration, and thank you for your support.  

Ten years ago, Go Swim started with many goals and ideas. Some came to fruition and, like many things, some didn't. What has always been true is our commitment to provide visual tools and fresh ideas to the swimming community.

We published our first Drill of the Week in July 2003. Since then we've shared more than 20 million videos online... for free.

In January 2010, we took advantage of new technologies and launched one of swimming's first apps. Today, nearly 200,000 downloads later, Go Swim's free app delivers great technique right to the palm of your hand, and right where you need it most -- at the pool.   With more than 2 million video plays through the app, we're motivated to produce more. Thank you, app fans! Download here. iOS - Android

In 2004, Go Swim published its first DVD starring an Olympic medalist -- Misty Hyman. Since then, we've had the privilege of working with some of the greatest swimmers and coaches in the world. They've shown us cutting-edge technique, and have taught us valuable life lessons as well as swimming lessons. Two athletes that we must mention are Dave Denniston and Fran Crippen. Dave, whose life changed dramatically since he appeared in our first commercial product, has shown us the true meaning of a positive attitude through adversity. Fran, whose life was taken away just months after he helped us create a video, has shown us the meaning of commitment and dedication. We continue to try to make the most of the dash because of his example.

In December 2011, we released ALL of our content on This subscription-based website allows access to all of our DVDs and drills -- on computer, tablet, or smartphone. For less than $10 per month, subscribers can access content that would cost $1500+ if purchased on DVDs.

How do we celebrate a 10-year anniversary? By giving you FREE access to everything we've done in those 10 years.

On October 12th ONLY, sign up for a subscription to and you'll have 3 days to preview the site for free. If you like what you see, and want to see new videos every week that will never make it to any other source, then do nothing. You can cancel at any time.

The details are simple. When you sign up at the site on October 12, 2012, from 12 am to 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time, you'll be able to watch anything and everything we've produced. A timer at the top of the page will keep you aware of when your free trial period will turn into a full paid subscription. Cancel before the timer reaches zero and you'll be charged nothing. But of course, we hope you become a subscriber and continue to support us at Go Swim. Thanks, everyone, for a great 10 years!

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