Triathlon Workout

Jun 5, 2008
Triathlon Workout

 WARMUP:  400


8 X 25 pull, breathing every 4 or every 5. Start exhaling as soon as your face returns to the water, and make the exhale last as long as your 4 or 5 strokes.  

MAIN SET:  1900

1 X 400 pull, breathing every 3.  RELAX into the exhale and breathing pattern.

6 X 50 on X sendoff (roughly 25 seconds rest)  

1 X 300 drill IM with fins.  You choose the drills.

5 X 50 on X minus :05 sendoff

1 X 200 with fins, choice

4 X 50 on X minus :10 sendoff

1 X 100 EZ with fins, choice

3 X 50 on X minus :15 sendoff  (you should be getting 5 to 10 seconds rest)

LANE 1 MAIN SET:  1200

1 X 200 pull, breathing every 3.  Relax into the exhale.

3 X 50 on a sendoff that gives about 30 seconds rest

1 X 200 kick with fins...IM order

3 X 50, but take :05 off your initial sendoff

1 X 100 freestyle with fins, focus on extending front to back on each stroke

3 X 50, take another :05 off your initial sendoff

1 X 100 backstroke with fins

3 X 50, take another :05 off your initial sendoff


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