Underwater Dolphin Set and 10 X 100 Main Set

Apr 17, 2008
Underwater Dolphin Set and 10 X 100 Main Set

 WARMUP:  400


Beginner lane substitute 4 X 50.

4 X 100 with fins

#1:  2L/2R free (take 4 dolphin kicks off each wall Under Water)

#2:  2L/2R back (take 4 dolphin kicks off each wall UW)

#3:  2L/2R fly (take 4 dolphin kicks off each wall UW)

#4:  pulse breast (take 4 dolphin kicks off each wall UW)

MAIN SET:  1600/1100

Beginner lane can use fins on the 3 X 100 IM...and substitute 2 X 50 kick for 2 X 100 kick.   Also, substitute 4 X 50 for 12 X 50 at the end of the set.

4 X 100 freestyle pull, breathe every 5...4...3...2 by 25 on each 100 (rest is approx. :15)

3 X 100 IM (rest is approx. :30)

2 X 100 kick with no board.  Your choice of kick, but try to go at least 10 yards UW off each wall.

1 X 100 of your worst stroke, alternate 25 single arm/25 whole-stroke swim

12 X 50, swum as 25 stroke(IM order)/25 free

On the last 4, the freestyle should be BUILD.   Rest is approx. :15.


8 X 25 freestyle pull, breathing every 4 or 5 strokes.  Focus on a complete, relaxed exhale that lasts for as long as it takes you to do the 4 or 5 strokes.

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