UV Rays 50s at 200 Pace

Oct 23, 2007
UV Rays 50s at 200 Pace

WARMUP: 400WARMUP/DRILL SET: 200/400This set is with fins. Lane 1 does the set as 25s; all other lanes do it as 50s.4 X 50 pulse breaststroke on 1:05 sendoff#1: Breathe every 4 pulses.#2: Breathe every 3 pulses.#3: Breathe every other pulse.#4: Breathe every pulse.4 X 50 single-arm free on 1:00 sendoff#1: 4L/4R#2: 3L/3R#3: 2L/2R#4: 1L/1R MAIN SET LANES 4 & 5: 1550 + 200Swim straight through the set; no breaks. “Fast” means your pace for a 200 race. The fast 50s should be the same stroke. The non-fast 50s can be anything (kick, drill, mix of strokes). 12 X 50 on 1:05 sendoff, every 4th 50 is fast.9 X 50 on 1:10 sendoff, every 3rd 50 is fast.6 X 50 on 1:15 sendoff, every other 50 is fast.4 X 50 on 1:20 sendoff, every 50 is fastMAIN SET LANES 2 & 3: 1450 + 200Swim straight through the set; no breaks. “Fast” means your pace for a 200 race. The fast 50s should be the same stroke. The non-fast 50s can be anything (kick, drill, mix of strokes). 12 X 50 on 1:10 sendoff, every 4th 50 is fast.9 X 50 on 1:15 sendoff, every 3rd 50 is fast.6 X 50 on 1:20 sendoff, every other 50 is fast.4 X 50 on 1:25 sendoff, every 50 is fastMAIN SET LANE 1: 1000 + 200Swim straight through the set; no breaks. “Fast” means your pace for a 100 race. The fast 50s should be the same stroke. The non-fast 25s can be anything (kick, drill, mix of strokes).16 X 25 on :40 sendoff, every 4th 25 is fast.12 X 25 on :45 sendoff, every 3rd 25 is fast.8 X 25 on :50 sendoff, every other 25 is fast.4 X 25 on :55 sendoff, every 25 is fast.WARMDOWN ALL LANES: 200 or 300200 or 300 EZ choice, depending on time.

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