UV Rays Masters 18 X 100 (3 rounds of descend)

Aug 7, 2007
UV Rays Masters  18 X 100 (3 rounds of descend)

TUESDAY 08/07/07WARMUP: 400KICK/SWIM SET: 2008 X 25 with fins Odds: Dolphin kick on your SIDE Evens: Freestyle. Build each length from easy to 90% effort.MAIN SET: 1800/900Lanes 2, 3, 4, & 5 do the entire set.Lane 1 does 18 X 50 instead of 18 X 100.18 X 100 on a sendoff that gives approximately 25 seconds rest. Descend time 1 to 3 and 4 to 6 (on each set of 6) with a PLANNED descend of 1 second on each swim.1 to 6 are swim, then an extra 30-second break to put on pull buoy.7 to 12 are pull, then an extra 30-second break – take off pull buoy.13 to 18 are swim.EXAMPLE:18 X 100 Free on 2:00 sendoff#1 = 1:35#2 = 1:34#3 = 1:33#4 = 1:35#5 = 1:34#6 = 1:3330-second break#7 (with paddles) = 1:35Etc. WARMDOWN: Depending on how much time you have, put on fins and go easy, alternating 25 dolphin kick/25 something other than the stroke you did on the main set.

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