UV Rays Masters All Strokes

Apr 25, 2007
UV Rays Masters All Strokes

WARMUP: 400TOUCHY-FEELY SET: 1004 X 25Push off in streamline with your eyes closed and hold your streamline until you pop to the surface, then swim loooong breaststroke to the other end. On the pushoff and swimming, get a sense for how the water feels when it rushes along your arms and shoulders torso. Also feel for how the water pressure changes on your back as you rise to the surface during the pushoff.FIN KICK SET: 2505 X 50 hand-lead body dolphin with fins and Tempo Trainer. Pull and breathe every other dolphin.#1: TT @ 1:75#2: TT @ 1:70#3: TT @ 1:65#4: TT @ 1:60#5: TT @ 1:55If you don’t have a Tempo Trainer, do:5 X 50 with fins ….body dolphin on your back going down…on your stomach coming back. Focus on kicking from your core and not from your knees.FLY SET: 250 10 X 25 with fins. Use a Tempo Trainer if you want. Set it at most comfortable pace from the kick set above.#1: Fly/Breast Combo#2: 2L/2R Fly ? whole-stroke Fly#3: Karla#4: 2L/2R Fly ? whole-stroke Fly#5: 3 strokes Fly ? Freestyle#6: 2L/2R Fly ? whole-stroke Fly#7: 5 dolphins underwater into breakout ? Backstroke#8: 2L/2R Fly ? whole-stroke Fly#9: 5 dolphins under water into breakout ? Backstroke#10: 2L/2R Fly – whole-stroke FlyFREE/IM SET: 1500/900Lanes 2, 3, 4, & 5 swim 3 rounds of the following. Descend time on the pull and on the 75s on each round.1 X 200 Freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathe every 2…every 3 and focus on getting extended front to back on each stroke4 X 75 with fins on sendoff that gives you 15 to 20 seconds rest Each 75 is swum as25 UW dolphin kick (breathe when you need air) + 25 backstroke + 25 body-dolphin breastLane 1:Swim3 rounds of the following1 X 100 freestyle pull with pull buoy, focus on getting extended front to back on each stroke.4 X 50 with fins on a sendoff that gives you approximately 20 seconds restEach 50 is swum as 25 dolphin kick on your back + 25 backstrokeWARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 2700/2100

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