UV Rays Masters All-Strokes Practice

Nov 1, 2007
UV Rays Masters All-Strokes Practice

WARMUP: 400DRILL SET: 3004 X 50 freestyle with finsBreathe every 3 going down… every stroke coming back.4 X 25 backstroke with fins, descend time 1 to 4 Descend by taking more strokes, not by kicking harder.FLY SET ALL LANES EXCEPT LANE 1: 400 + 50Twice through, with fins:8 X 25 on sendoff that gives approx. 10 seconds rest#1: Fly/Breast Combo#2: 2L/2R Fly --> whole-stroke Fly#3: Karla drill#4: 2L/2R FLy --> w.s. Fly#5: 3 strokes Fly --> Free#6: 2L/2R Fly --> w.s. Fly#7: Dolphin kick on your back, hands in streamline#8: Dolphin kick on your back, hands at sides and eyes looking at feet. Make HUGE boil with each kick.50 EZ recoveryFLY SET FOR LANE 1: 300 Twice through with fins:1 X 25 fly with right arm only. Two kicks per stroke.1 X 25 dolphin kick on your back1 X 25 fly with left arm only1 X 25 kick on your back1 X 25 2L/2R fly1 X 25 kick on your backBREASTSTROKE SET: 50 + 450 + 100Start with 50 EZ breast kick in any position. Use the Tempo Trainer to get a comfortable setting (probably around 1.8).6 X 75 on sendoff that gives approx. 25 seconds restEach 75 is swum as 25 Breast with an extra kick + 25 Body-Dolphin Breast + 25 Breast#1 and #2: TT set at initial setting#3 and #4: take off .1 from the TT100 EZ recoveryFREESTYLE SET: 500No extra rest breaks in this set. Lanes 4 & 5 use 1:00 sendoff on 50s and :30 on 25s. You have to be QUICK at changing your TT setting (or...you could just swim REALLY fast:)). The numbers in brackets were my TT settings; yours may be lower.50 Free at VERY comfortable cadence [1:20]50 Free, take off .1 [1:10]50 Free, take off another .1 [1:00]50 Free, take off another .1 [.90]4 X 25 Free, take off another .1 [.80]50 Free, add .1 [.90]50 Free, add .1 [.100]50 Free, add .1 [1.10]50 Free, add .1 [1.20]WARMDOWN: 300 pull breathe every 3 plus 2 starts

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