UV Rays Masters Fibonacci Pyramids

Jan 10, 2008
UV Rays Masters  Fibonacci Pyramids

WARMUP: 400FIBONACCI PYRAMID MAIN SETS: 1600/800The Fibonacci series is a string of numbers in which each number is the sum of the last two numbers: 0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34, etc. When translated into squares, the Fibonacci numbers create a spiral that approximates the kind of spiral that often occurs in nature (think of snails, sea shells, or the arrangement of seeds and leaves on some plants). The following pyramids use the Fibonacci series. Have fun!PYRAMID FOR IM LANES: 16001 X 50 2L/2R Fly with fins1 X 50 2L/2R Fly with fins1 X 100 3L/3R Backstroke with fins1 X 150 Backstroke with fins 1 X 250 Alternate Body-Dolphin Breast and Breast by 251 X 400 Freestyle pull, breathing every 2… every 31 X 250 With fins: Alternate 2L/2R Fly and Dolphin on Your Back by 251 X 150 Backstroke with fins1 X 100 Alternate Body-Dolphin Breast and Breast by 251 X 50 Freestyle count total strokes and check your time1 X 50 Freestyle take same number of strokes but decrease your timePYRAMID FOR LANES: 16001 X 50 Freestyle with fins. Count strokes and check your time.1 X 50 Freestyle with fins. Take same # of strokes but decrease your time.1 X 100 No fins: Alternate 3L/3R Freestyle and Freestyle by 251 X 150 No fins: Alternate 2L/2R Freestyle and Freestyle by 251 X 250 No fins: Alternate 1L/1R Freestyle and Freestyle by 251 X 400 Freestyle pull, breathing every 2… every 31 X 250 With fins: Alternate Dolphin Kick on Your Back and Freestyle by 251 X 150 With fins: Alternate Backstroke and Freestyle by 251 X 100 Backstroke with fins1 X 50 Freestyle with fins. Count total strokes and check your time.1 X 50 Freestyle with fins. Take same # of strokes but decrease your time.LANE ONE MAIN SET: 8001 X 25 2L/2R Fly with fins1 X 25 2L/2R Fly with fins1 X 50 3L/3R Backstroke with fins1 X 75 Backstroke with fins 1 X 125 Alternate Breast Kick on Your Back and Breast by 251 X 200 Freestyle pull, breathing every 2… every 31 X 125 With fins: Alternate 2L/2R Fly and Dolphin on Your Back by 251 X 75 Backstroke with fins1 X 50 Alternate Breast Kick on Your Back and Breast by 251 X 25 Freestyle build slow to fast1 X 25 Freestyle build slow to fastTEMPO TRAINER SET: 300/400/500With fins and TT set @ 1.806/8/10 X 50 swum as:25 Pulse Breast Breathe every other and 25 Freestyle. Stay on the beep for the breast and for the freestyle (TT beeps once every stroke CYCLE on freestyle). You can change the Tempo Trainer up or down only ONCE during the set (or you can keep it at 1.80 for the entire set). WARMDOWN: 100 EZ

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