UV Rays Masters IM Set and Breathing Sets

Jun 21, 2007
UV Rays Masters  IM Set and Breathing Sets

WARMUP: 400TRIATHLON SET: 100100 straight swim, alternating 2 strokes of heads-up breaststroke (to sight) and 3 strokes freestyle.MAIN SET#1: 1000 Four rounds of the following (Lanes 1 and 2 substitute 25s for the 50s):1 X 501 X 501 X 100 IM1 X 501 X 50Round #1: 50s are 3 strokes Fly → Freestyle on each lengthRound #2: 50s are BackstrokeRound #3: 50s are BreaststrokeRound #4: 50s are FreestyleMAIN SET #2: 5005 X 100 Freestyle pull on sendoff that gives ~ 15 seconds rest#1: Breathe every 4 or every 5 the whole way#2: Breathe every 5… every 2#3: Breathe every 3… every 2#4: Breathe every 3… every 1#5: Breathe as often as you want, but make it a FAST 100MAIN SET #3: 25010 X 25 Freestyle with finsTry to breathe just once or twice on each 25. Take 5 to 6 bobs as recovery between 25s.MAIN SET #4: 100100 FAST your choice of stroke and equipment (or no equipment)WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 2450

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