UV Rays Masters Long Warmup Before fast 75s

Jun 7, 2007
UV Rays Masters  Long Warmup Before fast 75s

WARMUP: 400Include at least 100 kick to warm up your legs.TRIATHLON SET: 1004 X 25 freestyleLead swimmer stops at mid pool and adjusts goggles until the second swimmer swims past him, then he falls in behind the 2nd swimmer and finishes the length. Switch positions after each 25. Leave 10 seconds apart.WARMUP CONTINUED: 300 + 125 + 100 + 1004 X 75 on a sendoff that gives you 15 to 20 seconds restThese are choice and they are at 70 to 80% of max heart rate.6 X 25 on 10 to 25 seconds rest (go when your lane is ready)Odds: Easy swimEvens: FAST100 easy stroke drill (each lane decides its own stroke and drill)100 “simulation” for swimming fastPick one or two things you want to focus on during the main set and do them SLOWLY and with PRECISION on this easy 100.MAIN SET: 450/750/900Lanes 4 & 5 do 6 rounds. Lanes 2 & 3 do 5 rounds.Lane 1 does 3 rounds2/4/6 X 75 FAST SPRINT with easy 75 after each FAST 75Sendoff is approximately 5 minutes for each round of fast 75 + easy 75.WARMDOWN: 200/300/400Lanes 4 & 5 do 400 pull.Lanes 2 & 3 do 300 pull.Lane 1 does 200 pull.Total Yardage: 2025/2175/2425

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