UV Rays Masters Set of 125s

Nov 20, 2007
UV Rays Masters  Set of 125s

WARMUP: 400WARMUP SET: 100With fins.4 X 25 free, 4 breaths…3 breaths…2 breaths…1 breathMAIN SET: 1000/1500/2000 Lanes 4 & 5 do 16 X 125 as below.Lanes 2 & 3 do 12 X 125 as below.Lane 1 does 8 X 125 as below.4 freestyle or choice or IM on sendoff that gives 25 to 30 seconds rest4 pull, take :05 of your sendoff4 with fins, choice or IM, take another :05 off your sendoff4 with fins, probably freestyle, take another :05 off your sendoffWARMDOWN: 200Those going to meet: highly recommended to do at least 3 starts from the blocks.

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