Working on Alignment

Jul 23, 2007
Working on Alignment

Did this in a 20-yard pool.Feeling tired today so went for some aerobic sets, working on different aspects of free and breast.WARMUP: 1000600 with fins, alternating 80 kick/120 freestyle, working on lifting with the entire shoulder/back area rather than just with the shoulder/elbow.200 breast kick5 X 40 freestyle pull with pull buoy, working on the shoulder lift and getting extended front to back on each armstroke.MAIN SET: 14406 X 120 on 2:30 sendoffThese were primarily head-lead breaststroke kick on the stomach, with a length of freestyle that moves through the set. Focus on breast was to take a bigger-than-usual dolphin kick on the pull down and to hide the feet during each kick. Focus on freestyle was extending front to back and lifting from the back/shoulder6 X 120 on 2:15 sendoffPrimarily freestyle pull with pull buoy, with a length of breaststroke kick that moves through the set. Same focus points as above.FREESTYLE SET: 40010 X 40 freestyle drill on 10 seconds RI. First length is touch-and-go. Second length is extend the hands front to back on each stroke.Odds: With pull buoyEvens: No equipmentWARMDOWN: 160Single-arm fly with fins, alternating 3L/3R...2L/2R...1L/1R by 20.Total Yardage: 3000

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